
In order to study the Bible and apply it to your life, you will need to first interpret it. (i.e. understand/explain the meaning of the information, words, or actions) Use the Bible itself as the primary source of information about the Bible.

Below are six principles of interpretation

1 - Literal Principle

Take God’s Word at face value, in its’ natural, normal sense, but understand and recognize when figures of speech are used.

2 - Historical Principle

Understanding the passage in its’ historical setting before understanding it in our contemporary setting.

3 - Contextual Principle
Interpret a verse by the verses that surround it. So, instead of just looking at Verse 5, look at Verses 3-7, or look at the whole chapter.

4 - Compatibility Principle
Cross-referencing or comparing Scripture with Scripture. The best commentary on the Bible is the Bible. 2 Corinthians 13:1 says, “ In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.”

5 - Grammatical Principle
Recognizing parts of speech and the way they related to each other. Important words: “therefore,” “and,” “but,” “that,” “for,” “because,” “if.”

a) “Therefore” - It indicates something has been said previously.

b) “And” - It connects something to something else. It introduces an addition.

c) “But” - This points to a contrast.

d) “That” - This indicates an outcome or purpose. It is sometimes helpful when studying Scripture to put "so that” whenever you read the word “that” to help you to understand it better.

e) “Because” - Introduces a reason

f) “If” - Indicates a condition (i.e. ABC only happens if XYZ occurs first.)