Faith Chapel Kids (Walking Toddlers - 5th Grade) IN-PERSON Services:

BHM Campus @ 10:00 a.m. CT

COL Campus @ 11:30 a.m. ET


Faith Chapel Students (6th-12th Grade) IN-PERSON Services:

BHM Campus @ 10:00 a.m. CT

 COL Students will continue worship together with family on Sundays, join weekly Wednesday night small groups, and have monthly IN-PERSON Fellowships.


BHM Campus - The Bridge, 100 Mike Moore Blvd. , Birmingham, AL 35224
COL Campus - Columbus State University - University Hall, 4225 University Ave., Columbus, GA 31907

Welcome First Time Guests!

Visit our welcome area when you arrive to complete our 1st Time Guest form or feel free to download a copy and bring it with you!!

  1. When you arrive, our team will happily show you the way to the first-time check-in area where you can tell us a little about your family to help us serve you well. On our 1st Time Guest form, we’ll ask for your contact information, allergies, and how many children/teens are in your family.

  2. Then, you and your child (up to 5th Grade) will both receive a nametag sticker with a matching code. If for any reason we need to reach you during the service, you’ll see your child’s code on the screen. This nametag code is also what you’ll use to pick up your child after the service.

  3. Teens (6th - 12th graders) will receive a nametag but will not need a matching check-out sticker code.

Click HERE to Register for 2025 Spring Break Camp (Birmingham, AL)

(Registration is open Today - March 21st or until spaces are filled)


Sunday 03-16-2025: Preschool (Up to K4)

Sunday 03-16-2025: Elementary (K5-5th)


Click “SUBSCRIBE” on our YouTube channel for all of our lesson videos and more!

Click for “Family” and “I Am” Confessions

It is always our desire to support and undergird you in being the BEST parents and most influential people in your child’s spiritual growth journey.  We are praying Psalms 91 over your family and want to provide you with resources specifically designed for your children and teens that will assist you in having conversations with them and leading them each day.

Family Confession Guide

Preschool (up to K4) & Elementary (K5-5th Grade) Confessions

Dealing with Fear for Kids

Good Digital Parenting Resource Guide

**Connect to Serve**

Contact Us:

Email: or Call: (205) 785-9673

Monteray Anderson - Faith Chapel Kids Manager

Karen L. Malone - Senior Director of Family Ministry