
At some point and some time, you deal with insecurities. Your problem may be a lack of confidence. This is where insecurity comes in. Faith and confidence come by hearing, but insecurities can as well.

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
— Romans 10:17 KJV

Insecurity is a major role block to confidence, and it is a learned behavior. Most people who are insecure, don’t know they’re insecure. Insecurity means to feel unsure or uncertain and to doubt one’s ability and identity.

Here are four primary factors that contribute to our insecurities:

What kind of impact can a negative/critical parent have on a child? What about absent parents? Detached parents as well? Authority figures are credible people of influence over our lives.

You can be raised in an environment that can affect your upbringing.

Has it been failures/rejections in your past that has caused you to feel insecure? What kind of experiences did you have in your childhood? In past relationships/friendships?

Information we hear over and over (i.e. a child hearing, “You are bad” over and over). This isn’t just what you hear from others, but also what you can SEE from others in positions of power.

What is critical is that we understand how the game is played. We can have rules to get us out of this condition. You CAN create good environments!


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Here are four major manifestations of insecurities:

  1. Excuse making – A person who is constantly making excuses despite the facts. They’re exempt from responsibility.

  2. People-pleasing – A person with the excessive need to be approved by others. If you’re compromising your values to please others, then you are people-pleasing.

  3. Controlling personality – A person who is territorial, possessive, and has an obsession to make a decision and determine the outcome.

  4. Negative/Critical personalities – A person who is always negative or judgmental.




  • How do we help those who don’t have the strength to stop thinking about their past?

    A huge part of overcoming is self-awareness and mind-renewal.

  • What if you’re a people pleaser? What do you do?

Work to change your focus. You can’t be a people pleaser and a God pleaser.

  • What happens when you’re guilty of all four manifestations?

    Don’t try to fix the symptoms, go back to the factors that contributed to it. Get new authority figures. New environments. Forgive yourself and others, and ask God for new experiences. Expose yourself to information that will build your confidence!