
Destiny is a place for which someone is headed. It’s something that a person is intended to become. The plan that God has for your life is more important than anything else!

There are two sides of Destiny and Purpose
Predestination – This has to do with God predetermining ahead of time our destiny, where we should head up, and who we should become
Human Participation – Our choices (the choices that we make) are very critical to us fulfilling our destiny.

2 Corinthians 2:14 – But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere.

There are Ten Assassins of Destination (things that will abort/delay our destiny)

1)    Disobedience – Deviation from an instruction that is given. Disobedience implies, “I have been given instructions but for whatever reason, I haven’t chosen to obey.”

2)    Distraction – You can be distracted by a good thing. Ask yourselves, “If we have all these demands on us, we must know where we are headed, and who God intends for us to become.” Ask yourselves, “does this good thing fit?”

3)    Disappointment – everyone at some time gets disappointed, and sometimes people disappoint us.

4)    Jealousy – pulls us out of our lane. You choose to be intimidated or inspired by people.

5)    Laziness – A part of this stems from fear of failure. It’s better to try than not try at all.

6)    Lukewarm – Indifference is a sure path to failure. If you do not care, no one else will care. Bottom line, for example, if you do not care about winning, then no one else will care about it.

7)    Lust – meeting an unmet need through an illegitimate source.

8)    Mismanagement of mistakes – Judas made a big mistake, but he mismanaged it. Peter gave God time. Sometimes we make mistakes and we become so emotional about it, that we end up doing something rationally. This happens when we don’t take time to process or give God time to talk to us. God will never tell us we’re a failure. He loves us.

9)    Personality Worship – Looking up to a person and elevating them into a position that they’re not supposed to be in (that’s generally reserved for God).  This is a false understanding of mentorship.

10) Prayerlessness – rooted in pride or a false sense of security.

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You can choose to be intimidated or inspired by people.