
Is your marriage headed in the right direction? Sometimes we get our priorities off when we get married. Let’s go over some things that destroy marriages and rework our way in the right direction.

Catch us the foxes, The little foxes that spoil the vines, For our vines have tender grapes.
— Song of Solomon 2:15 (NKJV)

Song of Soloman

The little foxes spoil the vine (Song of Solomon 2:15). Solomon is using the vine in the vineyard as an analogy for a relationship. The little foxes are referred to as little (insecurities, myths, things, ignorances, misconceptions, etc) that destroy relationships. These are little foxes, but if you don’t take care of the little foxes, they can mutate into wolves.



What are some little foxes?

Misplaced priorities —

The Biblical way is that God is #1 , Spouse #2 & Kids #3. Sometimes we get our priorities off when we get married. Sometimes we’ll put the spouse above God, but most of the time we’ll put the children before our spouse. Any time you have these priorities out of order, it results in problems.

Sometimes we have friend interference. We allow our friends to become too involved…

Are your priorities in the right place? 


Laziness/Indifference Taking your partner for granted. Not wanting to invest time, money or energy on your spouse. You have to spend time, energy and invest in your spouse. When it comes to our relationships, couples often put their relationship on autopilot. If you don’t invest in something you won’t get anything out of it.


Selfishness Everything is about you. When you’re in a relationship, two become one. It can’t always be about you. Selfishness is the biggest killer of marriages. Being single as a married person… creates a lot of division in the marriage. Marriage is a form of bondage!


Communication is Key Communicate your likes and dislikes. You have to create an environment that’s non-threatening. When you get married it’s a team sport.


Infidelity — Biblically and morally we should not outsource sex, or emotional support.

Intimacy is different for a man or a woman. Intimacy and sex start in the mind. Sometimes spouses have different sex needs. Sometimes one spouse wants more than the other. It’s critically important that we don’t allow selfishness to get here. If you can’t get love at home, this opens up many temptations.


Unforgiveness this is a relationship destroyer. Sometimes you don’t see your own weaknesses. ‪ You should be committed to your spouse. There will be rough patches, but you should never result so quick to divorce. If you’re in a relationship that’s not positive (abusive) — you have to be selfish and take care of yourself and your children. ‪ The Bible never tells us to submit to abuse.

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“You should be patient, but hopeful with your spouse. You have to work at it!” — Mike Moore