
We all tend to act selfishly. You can’t walk in love and selfishness at the same time. Let’s focus on the destructive impact of selfishness and how it can impact you and your partner.

(Love) It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
— 1 Corinthians 13:5 (NIV)

What to do if your partner is selfish?

For example, if he/she never takes into consideration your needs/concerns, your partner is selfish.

  1. Confront them, bring it to their attention. Do this in a context of a situation. Never tell your partner that they are selfish. Instead, confront them about how it made you feel.

  2. Stop doing selfish people favors. Especially if they're always asking for favors. Sometimes we unconsciously allow people to be selfish.

  3. Stop enabling by assuming their responsibilities.

  4. You have to start giving yourself the attention that you were giving them. Stop allowing your life to be dominated by their choices

  5. Establish a taking-turn experiment.

  6. Set boundaries for what you can and cannot deal with.

  7. Decide If you should continue the relationship or walk away. Often the best decisions are the most difficult.



Questions to ask yourself:

  1. Are they indifferent?

  2. Are they apologetic?

  3. Are they making any changes?

  4. Are they sensitive to your hurt/pain?

  5. Are they defensive?

  6. Are they angry/mean?

  7. Are they open to counseling?

Depending on the answers, you have to decide if you’re going to continue it or walk away.


How to change if you’re a selfish partner?

  1. Repentance

  2. Understanding - The essence of a great relationship is a giving partnership.

  3. Prayer

  4. Practice - Whatever you give your attention to, you will desire.

  5. Establish Accountability


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