All of us deal with criticism. Jesus (who was perfect, was the personification of love) had a ministry that was filled with criticism. People will always criticize. None of us are immune from criticism. Focus on who God says you are and what you can do, and not what others say.
What is criticism vs feedback?
1) Feedback someone is sharing information with you, regarding something that we need to improve on. The intent of feedback is to help and build up. The difference between criticism and feedback is intent. If the intent is to damage, then that is criticism. If the information is being directed to you about you, then it is feedback.
Why does criticism come our way?
1) Criticism may come your way because of Jealously. It is very rare where you see successful people criticizing downward because they are busy with their own success. Any God-given vision for the future will attract criticism.
What is Criticism and How to Handle It
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How to Handle Criticism
1) Guard your heart (Proverbs 4:23). Monitor your heart and forgive your critics.
2) Remain focused on your God-given assignment.
3) Remain focused on God’s view of you and your potential. Focus on who God says you are and what you can do, and not what others say. Whenever God is BIG… the thoughts, opinions, and criticisms of others become small.
4) Avoid distractions.
“Whenever you judge a person, that judgment doesn’t define who they are, but it does define who you are. ”
Proverbs 4:23
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