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Thank you for your interest in being a Faith Chapel Groups Host. If you have reached this page, you should have already completed the Faith Chapel Groups Host Application which is Step 1 of the application process. If you have not completed Step 1, please click here to complete that portion before you proceed. 

Faith Chapel Group Host

Spiritual Assessment


Applicant Statement

If requested, I authorize any references I provide to give any information they may have regarding my character and qualifications for this position.  I release all such references from liability of any damages that may result from furnishing such evaluations to you and I waive any right that I must inspect the references provided on my behalf.  I also agree to authorize a background check if required in my area of interest. 


Should my application be approved, I agree to abide by the policies of Faith Chapel and refrain from unscriptural conduct. I further agree to commit to personal spiritual growth which includes being saved and spirit-filled and to maintain an active membership status through church attendance and support of the ministry financially through tithing. The information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge.