Father, In the Name of Jesus, we lift up our youth before You today - our children, our teenagers, and our young adults. We declare that they are taught of the Lord, and great is their peace. Our youth are whole - spirit, soul, and body. They have healthy self-esteem and know who they are in Christ. They are leaders and never give in to peer pressure. They walk holy and upright before God and man and are examples of Christ in word and deed. They have a consistent daily quiet time and they grow up into spiritual, personal, and emotional maturity.

They are not rebellious but show respect for authority at all times. They have quality relationships with their parents and guardians and with the spiritual authority that You have placed in their lives. They have good Christian fellowship with other Believers. They are the head of their class in school and college. They have favor with their classmates and those in authority at their school.

Father, You sent Your Word and healed them and delivered them from all destruction. They are redeemed from poverty, sickness, failure, and spiritual death. They are redeemed from accidents, terrorism, criminal acts, violence, street gangs, and any type of molestation. They are set apart and sanctified unto You. They are not conformed to this world, but they are transformed by the renewing of their minds through the Word of God. They overcome the world, their flesh, and the devil!!!

They have no desire for worldly music, premarital sex, adultery, pornography, or any form of perversion. They manage the thoughts of their minds and keep their bodies under control and sexually pure. They have no desire for illicit drugs, smoking or alcohol. They resist the devil and the devil flees from them! They walk out the principles of the Word of God and choose to live for You all the days of their lives.

All of our youth are excellent students. They are the heads of their class and not the tail. They prepare with diligence and use their faith to do well on their schoolwork, tests, and projects. They have favor with their teachers, faculty, and staff. Scholarships, honors and awards are bestowed upon them. We declare that our youth bring glory and honor to Your Name by fulfilling the call, purposes and plans that you have for their lives. You have first place in their lives! We declare- they are all tithers and give offerings. There is no lack in their lives. Nothing missing, nothing broken, nothing lacking in the lives of our young people.

The angels of the Lord are encamped all around them!

The Blood of Jesus covers them!

No weapon formed against them shall prosper!

And, with long life You satisfy them and show them Your salvation!

Now Holy Spirit, help us to pray fervently and effectually

God's perfect will for our children, teenagers, and young adults. In Jesus' Name!!!


Heavenly Father, we come to You on behalf of the children of this nation. WE REPENT for not following the faith of Abraham, whom You chose because he would teach his children Your ways. We have allowed the enemy to sow tares into this young generation, and it's time to...UPROOT THOSE TARES!!!

Every plant that the Heavenly Father has not planted shall be rooted up. We confess our sin, and You are faithful and just to forgive our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Father God, Help Us To Teach this generation of young people and not let them forget You, forsake Your covenant or serve other gods. We stand in the gap for every child in this nation and claim everyone for Your Kingdom. Help Us To Reach Them with the good news so they can be saved, Spirit-filled and serve You with boldness and joy. We command you Satan, in the Name of Jesus- TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF this generation of youth in our nation!

We plead the Blood of Jesus over them, and they are now protected from all evil. Every demonic influence through music, television, video games, movies, and the internet is removed from the marketplace, In Jesus' Name.

We confess, "the Blood of Jesus purges the conscience of our children and removes the ungodly images from their minds." Angels of God, surround them and keep them on the right path, In Jesus' Name.

Father You said, "For whom the Lord loves He chastens." Show Us How to chasten and correct our children For Their Profit, to keep them from straying from Your commands. Teach Us How to train them to follow peace with all men, and holiness, that they may see the Lord at the end of their days. Thank You for Your grace to train them to honor their father and mother, that their days will be long on the earth.

Help Us To Fill Them with Your Word and godly teaching that will produce success for them in life. We ask You, Heavenly Father to turn the heart of the fathers to their children, and the heart of the children to their fathers. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


I Declare by Faith That:

  • I am walking into new frontiers.

  • I am engaged in a cutting-edge Kingdom movement.

  • I am not just keeping up; I am moving with the force of Kingdom momentum.

  • The Holy Spirit is leading me in the way that I should go.

  • The Holy Spirit is teaching me to profit.

  • The Holy Spirit is stirring up my spirit to build His house & His people for His glory.

  • God has covered all financial obligations involved in my God-given vision & purpose.

  • I have been chosen and empowered by the Most High God.

  • I am walking in partnership & growing in intimacy with the Holy Spirit.

  • I carry favor, influence, and significance.

  • I walk in supernatural authority. I am experiencing great success in spiritual warfare, and no enemy is capable of resisting God’s power and my forward advance.

  • Double opportunities and double blessings are being opened to me now.

  • Doors and gates are being opened to me, and they remain open until the purpose of the Divine opportunity is finished.

  • When I am facing obstacles, I walk in the favor of God.

  • The presence of God is preparing the way before me.

  • I can see what has not been seen before and I notice what has not been noticed before.

  • Unprecedented wisdom is entering my heart now.

  • Unprecedented financial resources are being discovered by me now.

  • As I advance, I remember the Lord, my God, for it is He who gives me the power to get wealth, so that His covenant may be established in the earth.


Heavenly Father, we now pray for all single parents in the Body of Christ. We pray that Your grace will cover them and enable them to manage their households well. Send laborers to help them raise their children to fear the Lord, honor their parents, follow Christ and be successful in life.

May their sons become godly men and their daughters become virtuous women. Supply every financial need. Cause the absent parent to fulfill their legal and moral responsibilities to the family. For those single parents who desire to marry, bring them a saved, Spirit-filled, godly spouse that will love their children as their very own. In Jesus' Name. Amen.


I Believe in My Heart and Declare with My Mouth…

That I walk in the peace of God. No matter what comes my way, no matter what circumstances I am faced with, I choose to fix my mind on the Word of God. When thoughts, conditions, or circumstances contrary to God’s Word come against me, I choose to respond through actions of faith.

I do not give place to the devil. He has no foothold in my life. I am submitted to God, I resist the devil, and he flees from me.

I am disciplined to pray. I cast all cares on the Lord for He cares for me. I walk with God and know the rhythms of His heart. My prayer time with Him helps me to see the larger plans that He has for my life, my calling, and my future. I talk with God as a friend, and I delight in spending time with Him.

I am carefree. I refuse to worry, and I walk in God’s peace which passes all understanding.

My emotions are healthy. I am not governed or ruled by negative emotions. They do not impact my decisions, nor do they dictate my responses to difficult circumstances. When I’m tempted to feel overwhelmed by life, or troubled by negative emotions, just like Jesus, I pray and keep moving forward.

I submit my feelings to God in every situation that I encounter in life. I bind doubt, anxiety, depression, worry, fear, and any other attack of the enemy against my mind. I trust in God & rest completely in the integrity of His Word.


Father, in the Name of Jesus, I confess Your Word concerning healing. Your Word says that Jesus took my infirmities and bore my sicknesses. So, I thank you that by Jesus' stripes I am healed from the top of my head down to the soles of my feet. I am redeemed from the curse of sickness, and I refuse to tolerate its symptoms.

Because of Jesus, I am a world overcomer. I have overcome sickness, disease, pain, and any attack of the enemy against my health. The life and power of God flows within me, bringing health to every fiber of my being. The life of 1 Peter 2:24 is a manifested reality in my body, daily restoring every cell of my body. Growths and tumors have no right to my body. Every organ and tissue of my body functions in the perfection that God created it to function. My blood pressure is normal. My heartbeat is normal. My heart is strong, and my arteries are clean and do not clog.

Satan, you and all your evil spirits are bound from operating against me in any way. In the name of Jesus, I forbid my body to be deceived in any manner. Body, I speak to you now. You will not work against life or health in any way. Every cell that does not promote life and health in you is cut off from its source.

No evil befalls me, no plague or calamity comes near my dwelling. I declare that the Word of God abides in me. God’s Word is medicine and life to all my flesh.

I have on the whole armor of God, and the shield of faith protects me from all the fiery darts of the wicked. I stand fixed in faith knowing that I have manifested health and healing now, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.


Father, in Jesus’ name, I declare that I am blessed. I do not walk in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat of the scornful. I delight in the law of the Lord, and in His law, I meditate day and night.

I am like a tree planted by the rivers of water. I bring forth my fruit in my season. My leaf does not wither, and whatever I do prospers. I enjoy good success in life.

I am a tither, and I give 10 percent of all my increase to the local church where God has instructed me to connect and serve.

I receive the windows of Heaven’s blessings. I receive supernatural ability to function at a high level of excellence and integrity. I receive divine favor, open doors of opportunity, and provision from expected and unexpected means.

In Jesus’ name, I declare that Satan and his demons will not devour or rob me of my return. I am the seed of Abraham and a child of the Most High God. Therefore, I have everything I need to live a first-class lifestyle.

I am a giver, and I follow Jesus’ lifestyle of giving. I give and it is given unto me good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over. I am not afraid. I start with what I have, and God gives me more. I resist pride, and I am a good receiver. The Lord is my Shepherd, and I do not experience lack, scarcity, or unfulfilled desires. I have more than enough to take vacations and enjoy time with my family. I believe all my needs are met, my bills are paid in a timely manner, and I am totally free from debt. The blessing of the Lord is on my life, and I experience no sorrow.

I have all the finances I need to (1) give to God; (2) give to others/ministries; and (3) give for the education of my children and others. My giving to the poor is a loan to the Lord, and He is faithful to pay me back. Because I give to the poor, there is no lack in my life. God continues to give me more so that I can continue to be a blessing to those who lack. God’s grace abounds toward me, and I always have an abundance for my personal life and an abundance to bless others. I am a kingdom investor and a kingdom philanthropist.

I am a wise money manager and a good steward over the resources God gives me. God is my Source, so I look to Him for wisdom and direction. I hear His voice and the voice of Satan, demons, the world, and my flesh, I do not follow. In Jesus name, I declare that I am not wasteful, impatient, impulsive, or gullible.


The Holy Spirit has been sent to be my Counselor, my Guide, and my Partner in every area of my life. So today, I acknowledge Him and by faith I receive His wisdom and guidance. He leads and guides me in every decision that I make. I confess that I am led by the Holy Spirit in all things.

I have keen discernment to hear His voice and I fully and quickly obey what He tells me to do. I am sensitive to His voice because I walk after the Spirit, and do not fulfill the lusts of my flesh.

As I make decisions, the Holy Spirit gives me clear direction. He speaks whatever He hears from the Father and announces and declares to me things to come.

I roll my works upon the Lord, and He makes my thoughts agreeable to His will; therefore, my plans are established and succeed. The Lord directs my steps, and He makes them sure.

He has given me wisdom, insight, and discernment concerning every detail of my life. Because I daily trust in the Lord and rely on Him, I declare that I have entered His rest, in the name of Jesus. Amen