God has beautifully designed marriage between a man and woman as one way for you to experience the God-quality of life. Whether you are single desiring to learn about marriage, desiring to learn more strengthening your own marriage, or divorced, use this page to discover insights on how to build a marriage made-in-heaven!

    • The Destructive Impact of Selfishness in Relationships

      The Destructive Impact of Selfishness in Relationships

      We all tend to act selfishly. You can’t walk in love and selfishness at the same time. Let’s focus on the destructive impact of selfishness and how it can impact you and your partner.

    • Things that Destroy Marriages

      Things that Destroy Marriages

      Is your marriage headed in the right direction? Sometimes we get our priorities off when we get married. Let’s go over some things that destroy marriages and rework our way in the right direction.

    • 15 Ways Your Spouse’s Differences Creates Balance within Your Marriage

      15 Ways Your Spouse’s Differences Creates Balance within Your Marriage

      Have you ever thought that you would have a better marriage if you and your spouse were more alike? God intentionally created men and women to be different from one another. If your wife or husband is totally different from you, THIS IS A GOOD THING!

    • 5 Ways To Build Your Marriage On A Solid Foundation

      5 Ways To Build Your Marriage On A Solid Foundation

      Are you happily married? Chances are if you took more than 3 seconds to answer this question you are either unsure of your happiness or certain that your marriage is unhappy. We live in a fast-paced world plagued with constant changes and challenges. At any given time, the state of your marriage may be affected by environmental, social, or economic factors that are not within you or your spouse’s control.