HOW TO Motivate People (as a Leader)
Successful leadership is achieved through having a positive influence on those whom you lead. This level of influence is available through the mastery of seven (7) leadership qualities that motivate people as you lead them through a path of excellence.
How Leaders Establish and Communicate an Effective Vision
Vision carries the idea of perception- to mentally perceive what other do not see or simply put a vision is a mental image of future desires. Christian leaders cast a vision of what God wants them to be, where He wants them to get there. Here are three components of an effective vision and four steps to effectively communicate your vision.
5 Things Leaders Can Do To Create A "WANT TO" Climate for Followers
Leadership is the ability to get a person to do, what you want them to do, when you want it done, in the way you want it done because he/she wants to. You must create a culture where the people who you lead want to return positive results for the team? Here are 5 questions you should ask yourself when trying to motivate people to “want to” succeed.
Three Master Keys to Success in Ministry, Business and Life
Good success is being who God calls you to be and doing what He calls you to do. This is impossible without a God-given vision. We should let God establish our identity and purpose.
The Power of Expectations
God is the SOURCE of hope. When we are in a mental posture of hopelessness, it is because we have separated ourselves from the Word. The Bible says the Word of God gives us Hope. It’s always connected to joy and peace. Biblical hope is the expectation of a good and happy life ahead. Our expectation should be in God NOT in our conditions or circumstances, people, or things.
How To Rethink Work
Why is work so important? Because through work we serve others. Work gives God something to bless, and He will bless the works of our hands! This is important because through work we reflect God's image! We reveal God’s ways!
What is Criticism and How to Handle It
All of us deal with criticism. Jesus (who was perfect, was the personification of love) had a ministry that was filled with criticism. People will always criticize. None of us are immune from criticism. Focus on who God says you are and what you can do, and not what others say.
5 Keys to Unlocking Your Destiny
You can control your destiny by your love walk. It doesn’t matter what people say to you or what the devil throws at you. Understand that destiny demands focus, on your assignment and on your gifts.
7 Keys to Overcoming Pride
Most people, including Christians, struggle with pride more than anything else. Pride is arrogance. It’s an inflated opinion of one’s importance. Do you struggle with pride?
Remedies for Rejection
Things you experienced as a child can affect you as an adult. Rejection is the sense or feeling of not being truly wanted, accepted, valued, or loved. Are you sensing that you're dealing with rejection?